Wednesday, February 12, 2014

Stop Ignoring the Inevitable! It Is Not If You Will Be Hacked, It Is When! Regrets for not listening will not assist you whatsoever!

Stop Ignoring the Inevitable! 
It Is Not If You Will Be Hacked, It Is When!
by Nick Ashton, CEO/Founder, Tracometry Group of Companies

Being a founder, chief executive officer, the president of a corporation or running a small business is no easy or simple task

The CEO is one of the most coveted, and least understood, jobs in a company. Everyone believes that CEO's can do whatever they want, are all powerful, and are magically competent. Of course, nothing could be further from the truth as we are all human beings. By its very nature, the job description of a CEO means meeting the needs of employees, satisfying customers, bringing return for the investors, functioning successfully in a community, and upholding the law. 

Today, because of the mass increase of computerization and the Internet, even when a corporate leader blinks, it registers somewhere.

In the early days of computing, we hired specialist to oversee the daily data super highway and allowed them virtual autonomy.  Today, we cannot do that, the executive leadership has to know all that takes place within the company as the investors have to know the answers on every single matter.  There is no more excuses of “I didn’t know”.  It is an all knowing world, if not, it becomes a nightmare of an occupation.

Unless you are a computer expert that spends every waking hour overseeing your data streams at great expense, your company is extremely vulnerable.  Just ask Target, Michael’s, Niemen Marcus or any other retail operation.  In
our world today, there are so many computer devices linked to our services and databases it is hard to keep count.  As many companies and corporations are finding, it is expensive to keep up to date with devices, such as, laptops, smartphones and desktop computers which are supplied to the employees.  In fact, most now want to allow employees to supply their own.

Yes, Bring Your Own Device (BYOD) to work. 

This would have been a disaster until now.  Imagine anyone being allowed to just hook in to your data systems!  Your IT department would be having fits if you allowed that to happen!

But you can!

This is where you outsource your data protection to a company that has, since 2004 been protecting major corporations and governments at an investment you can afford.  To do this internally, you do not have the staff, no matter what the IT Department tells you and you certainly do not have the budget!

KEYTALK does!  Hacking, Phishing and Man in the Middle issues are the main method of entering your data streams through employee devices that is until now. 

Worldwide KEYTALK talks to the leadership of corporations and companies, no matter what their size.  Data is important to us all and yours is even more important than you can ever know.  You rely on its safety and security and now you can trust it is in good hands at all times.

How do we do this?  

The Key to KEYTALK is short term certification.  It is tried, tested and exactly what you require and demand.  This is for discussion and explanation.  We can visit electronically at your convenience and demonstrate our secure services that will put your mind at rest.

No matter what business you are conducting, retail, commercial, industrial, research, medical, education or just any business that has stored or transference of information, we are at hand and are your protection. 

All affordable and manageable.  It just takes a phone call and then up to thirty minutes of your undivided attention.  We explain it all and answer all your questions and even furnish answers you never knew existed.

Video Overviews:

KEYTALK Overview and Costs

KEYTALK The Tech Stuff

KEYTALK awaits your call.

Call: +1 (317) 426.0110

copyright 2014

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