Monday, February 17, 2014

Monday 02/17/2014 - The Latest Hacking, Phishing & Man in the Middle World News Update + the Solution!

The Latest Hacking, Phishing & 
Man in the Middle World News Update

 Be WARNED!!!!


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Important! Linksys Malware 'The Moon' 
Spreading from Router to Router Which Wireless Router do you have at your Home or Office? If it’s a Linksys Router you could be in the danger to a new malware that attacks your firmware and replicates itself. Security researcher Johannes B. Ullrich from the SANS Technology Institute has warned about a self-replicating malware which is exploiting authentication bypass and code-execution vulnerabilities in the Linksys ...
Having already targeted several big name news organizations, the Syrian Electronic Army has hit another, this time publishing a reported one million user credentials from business site Re/code reports that the group posted various messages to its Twitter account claiming responsibility for the attack, sharing a screenshot of the site's publishing system and indicating it accessed a Forbes employee's accounts in order to do so. Forbes, meanwhile, has confirmed the compromise, prompting users to change their passwords and be on their guard for a potential increase in targeted phishing attacks. While passwords were hashed (not stored in plain text), they may not be safe from enterprising third parties

Marshfield News-Herald

The SEA announced their hacking on Twitter, Friday, and posted a story titled "Hacked by the Syrian Electronic Army" under cybersecurity ...

Boston Globe
The threat of cyber hacking, underscored by the credit card breach at Target, is now so great that US businesses are rushing to buy insurance ...

Kansas City Star
A computer programmer from central Kentucky who once did contract work for Toyota remains in federal custody after being convicted of hacking into ...

ABC News
If some in the small business community thought to themselves, “better them than us,” after hearing that hackers had breached mega chains Target, ...

Tesco customers' account details leaked
You all were busy in celebrating Valentine’s Day with your loved ones, and the cyber criminals were too celebrating the day in their own way, and this time, with the TESCO customers. ... 

HackRead - Latest Cyber Crime - Information Security - Hacking News Pushpa Mishra
An Egyptian hacker removed Mark Zuckerberg's Facebook timeline cover photo from his account using a private exploit, according to a latest hacker ...

Los Angeles Times
Consumers shellshocked by the escalating size and frequency of payment card hacks like the one that recently struck Target aren't likely to get much ...

Bloodhound PressBloodhound Press BloodHoundPress
UPDATED, 3:05 PM: Forbes wasn't alone in the sights of hackers this past week. Crowdfunding platform Kickstarter today confirmed that a hacking ...

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